I've been posting so much cat stuff I'm just going to call it Official Cat Week or OCW for short. I've done cat videos and cats in love how about cat info? Here are some cool facts:
- A person who loves cats is an ailurophile and a person who hates or are scared of cats is an ailurophobe. So are you an ailurophile or an ailurophobe?
- White cats with blue eyes are usually deaf.Well I've a white cat and she's deaf so I agree with that.
- Cats are one of the only animals who walk on there claws instead of the pads on there feet.A bit odd isn't it?
- The domestic cat is the only species able to hold its tail vertically while walking. I know my cats can anyway!
- A cat can't see directly under its nose! Bet you never knew that!
- All cats are either left-pawed or right-pawed. Wonder what my cats are....
- There are approximately 100 different breeds of cat. Wow I only thought there were about half that.
- Cats have been domesticated for only half as long as dogs. Maybe that's why dogs seem tamer.
- In ancient Egypt cats were worshiped as gods and they were even mummified! All hail the pussys!!!!!! MEOW