Thursday, July 4, 2013

Golden eagle

We all know what an eagle is but did you know the are also found in the UK and Ireland? Here are some facts on our native bird of prey,the golden eagle.

About the eagle: Soaring over the open moorland and mountains of Scotland is where this eagle is mostly found. It scours the ground below for rabbits,hares,grouse and ptarmigans. If you a rabbit in Scotland you'd be lucky if an eagle didn't you! Small birds have no chance against them,they can fly but eagles fly faster!

Nests and where there found: Their nests are called eyries,they can be found on cliffs,or in trees and over the years they can become remarkable structures. Some measuring up to 3 metres across and 4 metres deep.

Golden eagle facts:

Golden eagle's have such large eyes that they can see a rabbit 2km away!

Their wingspan mesures an incredible 2.3 metres.

They are no golden eagles in Wales.

Pine marten

You know what a ferret,weasel or stoat is,right? Well ever heard of a Pine marten? Probably not. Well here's the facts about Pine martens.

History: Long ago when Britain and Ireland were still covered in forest,the Pine marten was one of the most common animals found. These exclusive members of the weasel family have suffered since the clearance of woodlands and hunting by humans. Their numbers dropped hugely.

Today: Today,very few remain in England and Wales but in the highlands of Scotland and parts of Ireland,their thriving! Scienctists believe that they helped boast they red squirrel population in Scotland because they love eating grey squirrels!

Pine marten facts:

Pine martens are terrtorial and mark their area with scent markers or scratches

They are found throughout Europe

They make their dens near cliffs

Red squirrel

Lots of people know about grey squirrels but not so much red squirrels so here are the facts.

History: One hundred years ago several million red squirrels lived in the UK and Ireland. In the 19th century grey squirrels were introduced to UK and to Ireland in the 20th. Sadly our red squirrels were over powered by the greys and numbers dropped to 160,000. As well as competing for food the reds had to fight against a disease the grey squirrels carry called squirrel pox which is fatal to reds.

Protecting our reds: Thankfully,the reds are doing well in Scotland and wildlife experts are trying to protect them in England,Ireland and Wales. Conservation progammes are trying to stop the spread of squirrel pox. Hopefully one day the reds will be back to their old numbers and seeing a red squirrel won't as rare as it is now.

Red squirrel facts:

Red squirrels have four fingers on their front paws and five on their back paws.

Red squirrels communicate with their tails.

Unlike grey squirrels red squirrels don't hibernate.

Animals of UK and Ireland

Ok,I can't keep up an animal week with my two blogs and even though its the summer holidays I have no time. Instead I'll just do factfile and move on. Today I'm going to tell you about the amazing species that live in the UK and Ireland. Every animal is a different post with beutiful pictures and information. So enjoy!! I might do them all in one in day but anyway.