Tuesday, November 27, 2012

catastrophe at the hospital part 2

I hope you liked the first part because I sure loved typing it up.This is weird it turned out ok because originally it was a series of crazy videos me and my friend made we called them catastrophe at the hospital. Previously in the play Plamber discovered that she had two babies on the way not one and the nurse has taken them to the helper to mind.So lets start the story with last line of the previous part.

Plamber: Thank god that's over!!

Nurse: I think we should measure them

Helper: I've got the measuring right here

(nurse takes the measure stick and measures one baby)

Nurse: Very on the small side!

Helper: And the other one?

(nurse measures other one)

Nurse: Exactly the same,both very small

Helper: You better report to the parents

Nurse: (moving to parents) I'm sorry but your babies are very young and small and have to stay in hospital for another few days as they must go in an incubator

Plamber: Nooooooooo!!!

Nurse: Don't worry they will be together so eh (eyeing plamber up) you better take the wheelie bed

BW: (starts pushing but stops) Why am I pushing the bed when there are loads of these nurses?

(two or three nurses come on and push bed) all exit

Nurse: (while entering) Here is the incubator room(pause) wait here

(re-enter BW,and nurses pushing plamber on bed at pause)

exit all nurses

Plamber: I don't my babies in an incubator

BW: But they have too!

Plamber: Why didn't are other pup go in an incubator?

BW: She didn't have too!

Plamber: This is confusing!!

BW: Ask the lady later

Nurse: (still offstage) HELPER!!

Plamber: I'm going to look in the incubator(looks) that's where there going!!

enter nurse,helper and babies in small wheelie beds

Babies: Waa waa

Nurse: Would you like to see them?

Plamber: Yes,before they go in that incubator(pause) oh my precious little sweeties

Nurse: What are you going to call them?

Plamber: Hmm(long pause) I know cutie pie and sweetie pie

BW: Seriously!! That's nothing like what you called the previous baby

Plamber: Well, these ones are cuter

Helper: Well you can always change the name it's not to late

Plamber: No,we'll keep it at her birth name

Nurse: (circles plamber) You better go home you look tired

Plamber: But I want to stay with them

Nurse: You can't there so small and sick and everything...

Plamber: SICK!!!

Nurse:..And they could easily die...

Plamber: DIE!!! NOOO!!!

Nurse:...And you could die 'cause you had them...

Plamber: No! I'm not going to die

Nurse:...So go home to bed

Plamber: Can my husband stay?

Nurse: Of course

BW: What are you mad!?

Plamber: They might die!

BW: I barely like Pee Wee and you expect me to stick this crying!? (lies down) I'll die if I do(plamber gives stern look)ok fine

exit nurse,helper and plamber

(BW lies where plamber just got up)

Babies: Waa waa waaaa

BW: Shut up!!

Babies: Waa waa (quietly)

BW: (suddenly changing attitude)Aww poor things they could die (yawns)

enter nurse

Nurse: Hey,by the way I'm staying in here too

exit nurse and re-enter pushing a second wheelie bed


(both go to sleep)

                                      END OF PART TWO

check in for part three

Monday, November 26, 2012

story time!!

Hi, I'm back and with new ideas and brainwaves.So here is my newest idea...

                                        story time!!                                        
So how is it? good right?! My first story is more of a play then a story and its so funny. Basically it's about a dog called Plamber who's having a baby/babies(she thinks its one baby but its actually two!!).Her husband Blacky and Whiter(abbreviated to BW in play)and daughter Pee Wee are no help to her really as she goes though this traumatic experience yet again.


Pee Wee:I'm one,I'm one,oh yeah,oh yeah,I'm one,I'm one,four months,four months,one for four months

Plamber: oh shut up!I'm pregnant!
BW: Don't worry sweetie I'll go(to Pee Wee) what's up?

Pee Wee: Waa! I'm hungry and I what to get out waa waa!

BW: Come on fussy pants

Pee Wee: Waa! stop calling me fussy pants my real name is Pee Wee! come on!come on!
sip sip sip,om nom nom(goes to plamber) mammy wake up!

Plamber: I think I'm having the baby!!

PW: No your not!there's only room for one baby and that's me!

Plamber: Just shut up I'm having a baby ahhh! ahhh!

BW: I better take you to hospital I'll have to carry you in to the car

PW: Where I go?

BW:(sarcastically) On my head! Sorry you'll have to stay here I better call Cool Dude,my twin brother
                                               DING A LING A LING
Cool Dude: What's up?

BW: Not much,well we're having another baby can you come mind Pee Wee?

Cool Dude: No problem,exact same only i'm the Cool Dude brother just a second.
                                              DING DONG
Plamber: Oh really,don't make me open the door!

Cool Dude: It's open!

PW:Cool Dude,Cool Dude let me ride on your back lets go on ferris wheel

Cool Dude: You bought a ferris wheel!! only messin' I bought for ya!

Plamber and BW exit.

Pee Wee: Up,up Oh no I'm afraid,I'm afraid

Cool Dude: I'll go with ya

  In the hospital:

BW: It's ok we're here now

Plamber: Where's the nurse?!

Nurse: How can I help you,miss?

Plamber: I'm having a baby!!

BW: Calm down,calm down

Nurse: Ok,are you ready? Hold her paw, hold her paw,one baby aww she's cute!

Plamber: Phew! look now it's all over and I got my baby

Nurse: Sorry mam but I forgot to say that you have two babies on the way!!

Plamber: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Nurse: I better take her for a check up(placing baby in small wheelie bed) so I'll leave you there hmm I can't leave you alone better call the helper(calling) HELPER,HELPER

Helper: How may I help you?

Nurse: Just stay here with this baby while I tend to her mother

Helper: Not a problem

Nurse: Ok mam lets do this a second time

Plamber: Well,more like the third

Nurse: Oh,so you've had this experience before

Plamber: I'm having it!

Nurse: Don't worry we got the baby,another girl

Plamber: Thank god that's over!!

                                                     END OF PART ONE

check in for part two to see how it goes!!