Saturday, January 25, 2014

Happy new year + ?

First of all, Happy New Year everyone! I know I'm a bit late but what odds. The weather hasn't exactly been great for the start of 2014 but hopefully it will get better. It's raining today (25/01/14) and it reminded me of a previous idea I mentioned some day about a post topic I would love to do. So here it is:


In the Summer we usually find loads of frogs in our garden. Its strange as none of our neighbours do, its only us. Well anyway, the frogs we find outside aren't very special they're just common frogs but there are some pretty fascinating ones out there. Here are 12 weird, strange and uncommonly sized frogs and a few toads.


The Golden Frog



            Poison Dart Frogs


                                                                   Turtle Frog


                                                  Hairy Frog


                                                         Prehistoric Devil Toad


                                               Transparent Frog


                                                        Goliath Frog


                                                                 Vietnamese Mossy Frog


                                  Paedophryne amauensis


                                     Pipa or Surinam Toad


                                   Pinocchio-nose frog


                                    Wallace's Flying Frog